Anthony Flint

Game. Set. MATCH. The strawberry season is here!

Posted on: Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Yes, Wimbledon fortnight is now upon us, inspiring us all to dust off the tennis rackets and head off to the nearest courts for a knockabout with friends. There are many things synonymous with Wimbledon, such as the rain, Cliff Richard sing-a-longs, tears, tantrums, Pimms and of course, strawberries.



Wimbledon just wouldn't be Wimbledon, without the television coverage panning to adults and children alike, tucking into big bowls of strawberries and cream. According to the website, over 28 tons of strawberries (1.4 million berries to be precise) are consumed over the course of the tournament. Now that's a LOT of berry picking!



This month sees our beloved British strawberries come into season. Supermarket shelves heave with juicy punnets and 'Pick Your Own' farms are bustling full of people with red, stained mouths. So why not get picking (from a shelf or a farm - your choice!) and make the most of these beautiful berries whilst they're at their peak.


When you're picking strawberries, look for unblemished berries with bright green hulls; let them come to room temperature before eating and always wash gently before you tuck in. And if you're lucky enough to end up with a glut of strawberries, here are some berry tasty things to do with them. Simply visit your friend Google to learn the methods and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Who wouldn't like to spread homemade strawberry jam on their toast in the morning or enjoy a jam scone as a treat? Why not look out for some beautiful little pots, fill with homemade jam and give to a friend as a thoughtful gift.


Strawberry and Prosecco ice lollies
Try combining strawberries with your favourite fizz in an ice lolly mould and freeze. What better way could there be to cool down and get the party started on a beautiful, hot, summer evening...
Homemade ice-cream
You don't need fancy machinery to churn out tasty homemade strawberry ice-cream, just be prepared to stir your mixture in the freezer every few hours to achieve a smoother texture. You could combine with other seasonal berries such as blueberries and raspberries for extra fruitiness.
Eton mess
Take inspiration from the old-school dessert and add your own twist, such as a splash of kirsch to turn it into an adult-only version.
Chocolate strawberries
What's not to love about the sweetness of a strawberry combined with the crunch of a chocolate shell? Delicious!
Jazz up your salad by adding some fabulous colour, sweetness and texture in berry form.
DIY face mask
Spot test on your neck or hands first to see how your skin reacts and get mashing, mixing and relaxing with a strawberry face mask that can help to cleanse and brighten your skin.
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